Author: Brad Lang

I completed a Masters Degree just so someone might take my opinions seriously one day. Also writes about video games over at Critical Hit.

Piracy and copyright infringement has been a thing for as long as the internet has been around. Back in the day, it was more about burning discs and passing them around to your friends but now, in an age where file-sharing sites and torrents are more widely available than ever, piracy has become more popular than ever. That’s why the government is fed up with your nonsense! Just buy your music, games and movies like all those people who actually have money do! Oh, you don’t want to listen? Fine, if you’re not going to listen to the room filled…

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Google loves to one-up the competition, being the behemoth it is. Just last week we wrote that a new feature was coming to music streaming service Spotify that allows users to search for music by typing in song lyrics. It’s a really neat update, one that’s been around on other music apps for some time now, but since most of us at Stuff use Spotify it was a pretty cool feature for us. Google went and made something even better, as the search engine can now figure out the song you’re looking for based entirely on… humming? ‘Hey Google, who are…

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We’re just over a month away from the launch of the PS5 and while Sony has been more forthright with information regarding its new console (better late than never) one of the things people have been desperate to know more about is how the user interface is going to function. A decent UI is harder to find than you think. The key to a really well designed UI is that you shouldn’t notice it. When menus are difficult and tedious to navigate then it’s not great for any app or software because you’re stuck using it for extended periods. Having…

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Remember when the Xbox Series X and Series S were up for pre-order a few weeks ago? We wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t, they sold out so quickly that the whole event seems like a false memory. With the official launch less than a month away, folks are desperate to get their hands on the next generation of gaming, which is hard to do when you can’t actually find the consoles. Fortunately for South Africans, Microsoft has confirmed that more stock of the Xbox Series X and Series S is heading our way, just in time for the console’s…

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Oh, DStv. How we all smile whenever one of your announcements slides across our desks. The company has been doing its best to retain customers and clients in an age where satellite television is quickly disappearing. All the youths (and older folks too, we guess) are quickly realising that the value of streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime vastly outweighs what DStv brings to the table. With that in mind, Multichoice and DStv took the service online by offering an offshoot of their standard service, DStv Now, making traditional DStv programming streamable. Hopefully you haven’t become too attached to…

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There are very few things that can cut a diamond. Most of the time, we resort to lasers to get the job done and while the Cat S62 Pro is anything but laser-precise, the phone seems built to crack open a diamond just by leaning on the thing. Which is great for Cat enthusiasts because if you’re looking at the S62 Pro, odds are you’re in need of a device that can withstand a (rather long) fall or will last on a single charge for days on end. If that sentiment rings true for you, you’re looking at Cat’s single…

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It’s been a weird couple weeks for Rain, which still stands as South Africa’s first data-only internet service provider. The company recently found itself in trouble with the Advertising Regulatory Board after a customer complained that a series of adverts for the 5G service provided by Rain was misleading and while one might think something like that would be a decent reason to slow down and evaluate some things, Rain doesn’t see it that way. In fact, Rain’s just got back on the horse as it announces a new data plan exclusively for mobile users that should hopefully provide some…

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Who doesn’t love a piece of tech that looks nothing like it’s supposed to? Like that Nintendo Power Glove from the 80’s. What was meant to be some kind of alternate controller for the Nintendo Entertainment System was designed to look like the goofiest piece of clothing you’ll ever own. That kind of tech sings to us because it shows that companies aren’t afraid of taking risks and going all out on wacky designs. It’s why we at Stuff are drawn to the Panasonic Lumix BGH1, the company’s newly announced video camera that looks like a… cube? GoPro has its rectangular…

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Bad new for all those folks coasting on that free trial of Netflix with a copious amount of email addresses. It looks like you’ll have to go legit or get out as Netflix is tired of folks watching what they want for free and then ditching the service completely. It is pretty lame that they’re removing the option completely but it does make sense from a business perspective. Never fear though, as you’ll still be able to access some Netflix shows for free… just not the entire service which, we’ll all agree, stings if you’re a consumer looking at just…

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Just last week we saw that Rain, the wireless internet service provider, was in trouble because someone took an issue with misleading claims they’d slapped on some very public adverts. The advertisements in question were sent off to the Advertising Regulatory Board where it was deemed that Rain needed to remove the adverts, which claimed that the company offered “unlimited data 24/7… a choice of network speeds… (and) a choice of streaming quality”. As it turns out, Rain isn’t fighting back or appealing the ARB’s ruling and is instead just removing and changing the ads in question. Coming in from the…

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