Author: Brad Lang

I completed a Masters Degree just so someone might take my opinions seriously one day. Also writes about video games over at Critical Hit.

If you’re not taking a weekend out of every year to watch The Lord of the Rings trilogy, what are you even doing with your life? We don’t need to explain to you how incredibly important those films are, because odds are you’re already very familiar with them. Who isn’t at this point? From the sweeping visuals, incredible set design, monumental soundtrack and some… well, let’s be generous and say “hit-or-miss” acting, Peter Jackson’s adaption of JRR Tolkien’s fantasy epic stands the test of time as one of film’s crowing achievements. So it’s only right that Warner Bros finally got around…

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There are two things that make any story more appealing if you’re a Stuff employee: Cool uses for technology and good dogs. It’s rare to get them wrapped up together so when such a story does make its way across our desks you best believe everyone rushes to be the one to write about it. Such was the case when we learned that very important dogs (VIDs) working for the US military were being trained with the help of augmented reality (AR) goggles. Honestly, the idea alone is worth paying attention but actually seeing one of the critters with some…

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The ability to disassemble any piece of tech is more than a little titillating. For anyone with an appreciation for technology or the knowhow to be able to pick things apart and put them back together, tearing down a gaming console and making custom adjustments is nothing less than a great weekend. So all those nerds who do that kind of stuff for a living are no doubt extremely excited to learn that Sony’s upcoming next-gen console — the PlayStation 5 (like you didn’t already know what we were talking about) — is remarkably easy to disassemble! Sony posted an…

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The release of a new Call of Duty is always an event in the gaming industry. Look, we get it. If you’re not a fan of that fast, frenetic, addictive multiplayer then you’re going to roll your eyes at a new annual entry. If that’s you, then kindly leave the room because the rest of us want to have fun. With the release of Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War just over a month away, developers Treyarch and publisher Activision are rolling out a series of beta tests to gain feedback from dedicated fans who adore the series. The first round of beta…

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Who doesn’t love a good rewards program? In this ultra-capitalistic society we find ourselves in, what better way for a brand to garner favour and loyalty than by giving consumers something back? Sure, what they give up is only a fraction of what they’re earning but it’s enough to tickle that reptilian part of our brains that enjoys free stuff. The YelloBucks start here MTN, that service provider that was more than a little disappointing during lockdown, is trying to win favour with consumers. What is MTN actually doing with this loyalty program? They’re overhauling the entire MyMTN Rewards program…

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It’s been a weird year for the events industry. Suddenly all those conventions and gatherings that rake in loads of cash from attendees and advertisers had to figure out how to keep their main source of revenue coming in without actually, you know, hosting an event. The solution most organisers took was to make the event digital, opening up attendance to a much wider group of people and hosting it online. Most of these digital events have been… well, not great, bar one or two (DC’s Fandome event was genuinely well executed), and we  are beginning to suffer from digital…

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When you purchase a Razer product, you can usually expect one of two things. Firstly, you’ll tell your friends about it, who will then question where you got the money to afford a Razer product, and secondly, you’ll wonder if all the neon light spilling out of your keyboard is all that necessary. Razer has a reputation for putting lights on a range of different PC peripherals and while we can’t speak to the, uh, weirdly diverse range of products they’ve made over the years, having any kind of green light on a PC-related item is usually enough to know…

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There are a few things that unite South Africans better than anything else. Some might say rugby is at the top of that list. Others might insist it’s the shared solidarity of struggling through load shedding schedules. Yet I propose that there are two things that bring us a shared identity more than anything else: Hating Telkom, and complaining about Rain. Let’s focus in on that second one for the time being because Telkom is an evergreen hatred while Rain is still fairly new. The first ISP in the country to specialise in only wireless connections has been a lightning…

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While maybe not as widely known as Huawei or Samsung, South Africans have a certain appreciation for Xiaomi’s devices. They’re decent phones that don’t require a loan from the bank to purchase. We at Stuff were a big fan of Xiaomi’s last phone, the Redmi 9S, and its very respectable price tag so to see the company bring out an even cheaper entry-level device alongside a bigger (but still well-priced) sibling with some decent specs… well, that’s just a nice way to start a day, right? The new Xiaomi Redmi 9 will retail from R3,400 while the smaller Redmi 9A comes…

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The thing about making a Star Wars game about piloting your own X-Wing, TIE Fighter or whatever side of the galactic conflict you want take is that you have tp try hard to mess it up. It’s just a solid premise for a game, right? Every person who’s ever enjoyed the monumentally popular space opera has wanted to fly their own space fighter at some point in time; forget the laser swords and telekinetic powers, the best part of Star Wars will always be those gigantic space battles. Daring pilots ducking around blaster fire, lobbing torpedos at weapons of inter-galactic destruction. It’s always exciting and the…

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