Browsing: Android

The first problem I encountered, as I gave up Google for a week, was that I couldn’t get my email. As the possibility of living without Android and Google services emerged as the US government banned American firms from dealing with Huawei, I tried to live without the world’s biggest mobile operating system (OS). The short answer: it’s virtually impossible to live without Google in this smartphone era.

It’s a fact that just about all the tech we make use of will eventually become obsolete. Unless you’re the US Military or NASA, in which case you’ll be using the same operating systems long after the rest of us are done. Hey, some of those probes were programmed in the 1970s — doubtful there’s gonna be an OS update for those things. WhatsApp is moving at a bit of a faster clip, though. Several older versions will soon see no further updates, which means the service will likely stop working.