Microsoft Recall returns… kinda Few features have reached the level of infamy that Microsoft’s AI-powered Recall feature has. Hardly anybody…
Browsing: recall
The Humane AI Pin, if you were paying attention in the last few weeks, went from one of the “best…
Tesla is yet again undergoing scrutiny from federal regulators in the United States. The issue at hand now is whether…
If you bought one of Gizzu’s 300Wh or 500Wh power stations after 1 November 2022, there’s a chance that your…
Still using a Fitbit Ionic? It isn’t super likely that you’re still using a fitness tracker that launched in 2017…
If you’re currently running around your respective town and/or city in a 2007 Toyota Yaris, then you might want to…
The American Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has banned specific Apple MacBook Pro laptop models from flights in the States. These models are part of an ongoing recall. The FAA ban is because those notebooks pose a fire risk on airplanes.