Search Results: trends (376)

Young people are now fully ensconced in the digital age as it whirls around and within them. This is the epoch of the Anthropocene — the age of humans, wherein a technological worldview and human tools hold the central place in re-shaping the earth and its people. It’s also a time when 1.8 billion youth make up the largest generation of 10 to 24 year olds in human history with 50 per cent of the world’s population under 30 years of age.

As a cryptocurrency, there is no physical form that gives Bitcoin value, so it is impossible to perform traditional fundamental analysis of the currency. Consequently, many investors track the so-called technical trading indicators (geometric patterns constructed from historical prices and trading volumes) in order to understand and predict Bitcoin’s future movement.

Every Nokia smartphone is guaranteed to receive two years of OS upgrades, ensuring you benefit from all the latest software features — meaning your phone experience will keep getting better over time. HMD Global has an unmatched track record of keeping your smartphone up to date with the latest innovations from Google – from AI powered Adaptive Battery to Google Assistant across the range. Pure secure and up-to-date with monthly security updates.