Search Results: Google (2490)

Isn’t it maddening when you’re just trying to do your job and there’s only one roadblock — someone else not doing theirs? That may be how Huawei feels, as the Chinese tech giant still doesn’t have a clear idea what its fate is concerning Android, and licensing of tech from American companies

When we picked up Pokémon Sword on Friday afternoon, it was the first Pokémon game we had played in… a while. No judgement, thanks. But the last region we conquered was the Hoenn region. Because we tend to head to Google when we get stuck in Sword, we decided to compile a nifty little guide to Pokémon Sword and Shield. 

If you’ve been holding off on investing in an Xbox’s Game Pass, now’s the time to sub. Because Microsoft is sweetening the deal for new subscribers, while pushing out some brilliant game additions for the foreseeable future.