Author: Brad Lang

I completed a Masters Degree just so someone might take my opinions seriously one day. Also writes about video games over at Critical Hit.

You know how just earlier today we were talking about how everyone’s kind of got a thing for rugged devices? Well, the same could be said for foldable devices because everyone is very keen on getting their brand on some kind of folding machine. Samsung’s been trying (semi-successfully) for a couple years now and Motorola’s Razr attempted to bring back the classic design. And that’s just in the realm of phones… has anyone stopped to think about the possibilities of a foldable computer? No, it’s not a laptop, smartass. It’s something else entirely. Lenovo has been hard at work on…

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Everyone’s getting into the rugged game right now. I mean, it makes sense, right? There’s a whole group of people who don’t really care for all of those dainty devices. The ones you just look at a little crooked and end up shattering the screen. If you’re the type of rough-and-tumble person that most of us here at Stuff aren’t, you’re probably a big fan of phones and tables that are designed to withstand a fall off a short cliff or a brief encounter with a brick. There’s no shortage of excellent rugged devices out on the market right now so Samsung’s…

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Unless you’ve been living under a rock in South Africa, you’ve come in contact with the battle royale to end them all. No, we’re not talking about PUBG and Fortnite, we’re talking about Showmax and Netflix, two video streaming services vying for dominance in the South African market. Both offer a similar service and content but they also differ in some fundamentally different ways. Given how expensive the newly announced Showmax Pro is, you should definitely check out what it entails when compared to Netflix Premium. It’s not just a difference in price (although that is a factor). Both offer services that…

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I listen to a lot of podcasts. One of these days I should actually just right up a feature on all my favourites so that I can share my love for the audio medium beyond just Marcé and Brett because I’m sure they’re getting real sick of my ramblings at this point. With all my adoration, imagine my pleasure at discovering a Google extension that turns any and all online articles into a podcast! Well, kinda. Look, Podcastle makes it clear that’s the angle they’re pushing but after using it, I wouldn’t really describe it as a means to turn articles in…

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I love waking up on Monday to be greeted with good news. It’s the start of a new week, we’re all disappointed that we didn’t actually have enough time to do everything we wanted to on the weekend and the last thing anyone feels like doing is heading back to the office. Yet some of the pain can be softened by checking out some feel good news and this story is one such remedy. Over the weekend, Sir David Attenborough stepped out of his comfort zone, which is already fairly vast, and made an Instagram account and while there’s currently…

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When the Xbox Series X was first announced nearly two years ago plenty of people collectively groaned at the name. It’s unnecessarily clunky and long and it’s so close to the names given to the current (soon to be previous) generation of hardware that confusion was bound to be an issue. Many brushed those concerns away, saying they were unfounded and that people would soon learn the difference. “Microsoft will do a good job of differentiating them, you’ll see!” they said, unaware of what the future held. X marks the spot If yesterday’s pre-order opening for the Xbox Series X…

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It’s time for your monthly Marvel update folks. Now, while the other writers here at Stuff may enjoy the occasional Marvel movie (I know Brett and Marcé are both fans), the onus falls on me, the designated comic book dork to update readers on all things superhero, movie or otherwise. Hence why I’m checking in with you today, to bring you an update on what seems to be one of Marvel Studios seemingly more bizarre productions. Wandavision was teased a while back and while details on the show, which will be coming exclusively to Disney+, are still sparse the trailer released yesterday gave…

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In the year 2020, who doesn’t have a Gmail account? Please, I dare you to look around at the people in your general vicinity and ask them what they use as their default email app? I’m sure that at least 8/10 responses will be Gmail, which makes sense given how easy it is to set up and the general simplicity of integrating it with all the other Google accounts you probably use frequently. Thus, it was always a bit of a mission for iPhone users stuck with Apple’s default email to switch over to Gmail when they needed to. Fortunately, that won’t…

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After last week’s debacle with PlayStation 5 pre-orders, Microsoft has had the advantage of learning from it’s rival’s mistakes. After Sony just opened orders for their next gen console without telling anyone and causing an absolute furore, Microsoft very wisely got out in front of the internet and made it very clear when pre-orders for the next generation of Xbox start and where you can find them. We already know what the price for the Xbox Series X and Series S but now we know where we can find them. It’s the usual list of gaming-related stores but there are…

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Reviewing an operating system can be a really weird time, especially if you’re talking about a modern Huawei device. Yet while reviewing an OS can seem like a strange avenue of tech for folks that don’t really delve into the nitty-gritty aspects of the software on their devices, it becomes essential the more technology becomes interwoven with our lives. If anything, it’s actually rather exciting to review Huawei’s EMUI 11 beta because it feels like something… different. It’s a Google-less version of Android, meaning that Huawei has had to implement a range of features and work-arounds you’re not likely to…

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