Search Results: YouTube (2269)

Millions of cryptocurrency investors have been scammed out of massive sums of real money. In 2018, losses from cryptocurrency-related crimes amounted to US$1.7 billion. The criminals use both old-fashioned and new-technology tactics to swindle their marks in schemes based on digital currencies exchanged through online databases called blockchains.

A sister company of Google, Alphabet’s Wing Aviation, just got federal approval to start using drones for commercial delivery. Amazon’s own drone-delivery program is ready to launch as well. As drones take flight, the world is about to get a lot louder – as if neighborhoods were filled with leaf blowers, lawn mowers and chainsaws.

You might think that the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home is going to be a light-hearted affair. And, since Spider-Man is in it, you’d mostly be right. But there’s the little matter of the event of Avengers: Endgame to contend with. Yes, Tom Holland prefaces this trailer with a warning about Endgame spoilers and they’re… substantial. If you’ve managed to avoid spoilers so far, take Tom’s advice and avoid watching the trailer below. 

What happens when you combine Bus Simulator 18 with classic mobile game Snake? We’d like to think that you’d wind up with something like Snakeybus, a game so delightfully bonkers that we can’t stop watching the trailer. We suspect that we probably wouldn’t be able to stop watching someone play thing one. And as for playing it ourselves… headsplosion.