Search Results: YouTube (2269)

Man, where were all the cool things for kids when we were growing up? We had some interesting stuff but anything called the RoboMaster S1 would have been coloured in bright neon, made of semi-indestructible plastics, and would probably have been the result of a cartoon series tie-in. DJI, though, has other ideas. 

Every Nokia smartphone is guaranteed to receive two years of OS upgrades, ensuring you benefit from all the latest software features — meaning your phone experience will keep getting better over time. HMD Global has an unmatched track record of keeping your smartphone up to date with the latest innovations from Google – from AI powered Adaptive Battery to Google Assistant across the range. Pure secure and up-to-date with monthly security updates.

So you’re wondering whether Google’s Stadia game streaming service is going to be launching here in South Africa. According to our remote reporter, Captain Obvious, South Africa’s going to be left off the initial rollout. Google Stadia, according to the search company, will be launching in November this year in fourteen countries. South Africa, unsurprisingly, will not be one of them.