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The explosive popularity of YOLO has led to warnings of the same problem that led to Yik Yak’s shutdown, namely that its anonymity could lead to cyberbullying and hate speech. But in an age of online surveillance and self-censorship, proponents view anonymity as an essential component of privacy and free-speech. And our own research on anonymous online interactions among teenagers in the UK and Ireland has revealed a wider range of interactions that extend beyond the toxic to the benign and even beneficial.

You might not know it, but you have likely used a smartphone powered by MediaTek, with nearly 1 of 3 smartphones being powered by MediaTek. MediaTek believes that technology should be great and accessible, not expensive. That’s why MediaTek powers premium and feature-rich smartphones at affordable prices.

It’s been a busy month here at the Stuff offices. Nearly busy enough to make us forget that we’re giving away three LG Bluetooth speakers to three lucky winners. That’s one speaker each, rather than three speakers per winner. It’s important to be clear up-front. It save yelling later on. Though, to be very correct, it’s LG giving away the two Xboom Go PK3 and one Xboom Go PK5 speaker. We’re just being really, really helpful. 

Despite their names, artificial intelligence technologies and their component systems, such as artificial neural networks, don’t have much to do with real brain science. I’m a professor of bioengineering and neurosciences interested in understanding how the brain works as a system – and how we can use that knowledge to design and engineer new machine learning models.