It might have lines taken from a 2000-era video game (probably this one — which is still amazing, just by the way) but that’s just going to make a certain type of person want it even more. But look under the skin of Elon Musk’s new Cybertruck and you’ll find plenty (more) to like about it.
Browsing: featured
“To be dead,” wrote the 20th century French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, “is to be a prey for the living.” Even Sartre, though, would have struggled to imagine casting James Dean in a movie 64 years after the actor’s death.
The best thing about the Borderlands series is that, when you buy the base game, you know there are (at least) four new bits coming later. The first for Borderlands 3, titled Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, has been revealed and dated. You can expect the additional adventure to land from 19 December.
The Trump trade war has had an interesting effect on Huawei’s mobile division. Although it does look like the US government is feeling generous, and Huawei received another 90-day reprieve. The thought of not being able to play nice with Google, has pushed Huawei to make alternative plans.
Just a few years ago, virtual reality (VR) was being showered with very real money. The industry raised an estimated US$900 million in venture capital in 2016, but by 2018 that figure had plummeted to US$280 million.
Are you keen on locally-produced video games and art? Based on the response to our Boet Fighter review at least a few of you are. If you’re in the Cape Town region in early December (and you really should be — we hear it’s lovely this time of year), it’d be a plan to check out Playtopia MGA.
Do violent video games create violent gamers? It’s a topic of discussion that continues to rear its head despite there being no solid evidence linking the two. It was once again brought back to the fore in August…
Toby Shapshak speaks to new insurance app on the block, Naked Insurance. In the age of the smartphone, insurance should be just as easy as using an app, right?
It’s not that often that we get to play a South African-made video game. There are a few notable ones out there — Semblance, Stasis, Broforce and, for the truly old-school, Toxic Bunny. Boet Fighter’s attempting to muscle its way onto this list and… honestly, it can have the slot
Step aside, Tron and Akira bikes, because Blackstone Tek (BST), a South African carbon fibre wheel manufacturer has developed the most sci-fi electric motorbike ever.