Search Results: Google (2489)

Ted Florence is ready for his family trip to Botswana. He has looked up his hotel on Google Maps and downloaded a digital map of the country to his phone. He has also packed a large paper map. “I travel all over the world,” says Florence, the president of the international board of the International Map Industry Association and Avenza Maps, a digital map software company. “Everywhere I go, my routine is the same: I get a paper map, and I keep it in my back pocket.”

It looks like Samsung might beat Apple to producing wireless charging earbuds. In this case they’re called the Galaxy Buds, and we expect them to launch with the upcoming Galaxy S10 on 20 February.

Leaked images from German tech website, WinFuture, show the Galaxy Buds in a case, resting on the back of what we believe to be the Galaxy S10. We’ve seen enough leaks to know about that sweet pearl white colour variation.

You read that headline correctly — Energizer, the company best known for rabbits and batteries (not in that order), will be launching a range of smartphones at Mobile World Congress (MWC). And, unlike companies that just dip their toe into smartphone manufacture, they’re going all-in. How else do you explain the fact that they’re showing off a range of 26 devices at MWC 2019?