Search Results: YouTube (2269)

As an airplane plane defies gravity, aerodynamic principles expressed as mathematical formulas govern its flight. Most of an aircraft’s sensors are intended to monitor elements of those formulas, to reassure pilots that everything is as it should be – or to alert them that something has gone wrong.

The Assassin’s Creed series has been running, in multiple formats, since 2007. Twelve years is a long time to be doing anything and yet, Ubisoft have managed to find ways to keep players and fans engaged. Whether it’s multiple platforms and game types, comic books and graphic novels, and even motion pictures, there’s a lot of stuff out there for fans. And now there’s one more: Assassin’s Creed Symphony.

If you’re curious about Activision’s take on battle royale, the Blackout mode found in Black Ops IV, but haven’t yet taken the financial plunge, you’re in luck. Call of Duty: Black Ops IV, or a significant portion of it, is free-to-play for the rest of April. And not just on a platform or two, on all of them. Whether you’re a glorious PC gamer, a PlayStation acolyte or a filthy Xbox One spawn-camper, you can drop into Blackout for free for the rest of the month. Terms and Conditions apply.