Search Results: Twitter (1915)

Advances in artificial intelligence have made it easier to create compelling and sophisticated fake images, videos and audio recordings. Meanwhile, misinformation proliferates on social media, and a polarized public may have become accustomed to being fed news that conforms to their worldview.

We treat a lot of tech leaks with suspicion — not because it’s inaccurate, but because we can’t believe that they’re anything more than ‘leaks’. Hey, it happens. But sometimes a leak is actually a leak and we’d like to believe that this is one of them. If only because the circumstances are so weird. Samsung’s upcoming range of wearable tech, which should be announced alongside a whole mess of smartphones next week, was leaked yesterday. By Samsung’s own wearables app.

So much for speculative. LG, contrary to what the company’s Ken Hong had to say a few weeks back, has revealed that it’s indeed chucking the speaker in the upcoming G8 ThinQ. Except ‘chucking’ is the wrong term. LG’s augmenting its internal speakers with something else. Something a little different.