Author: Brett Venter

Apple launched a new colour variation a few years back — you might recall when its bright red smartphones first hit the market. Called Product [RED], the aim of the shade was to donate funds towards HIV/Aids research being done by the Global Fund nonprofit. Priorities have shifted a little now. A more immediate threat While the fight against HIV/Aids is still an important one, there’s something a little more pressing in the vicinity. You might be familiar with it, it’s the reason you’re reading this page at home and not from your office. Apple’s Product [RED] page, which normally…

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We get it — it’s boring being at home when you’re not allowed to go out. It’s a completely different feeling from being able to go anywhere and just not going. But you don’t have to mentally stagnate. You can visit the world, from your laptop, desktop, or smartphone, thanks to Google. Specifically, Google Street View. There are numerous places you could go, all around the world. The Great Barrier Reef? Yeah, that’s an option. So are the Eiffel Tower, the Grand Canyon, the Tardis (yeah, really), the Blue Mosque in Turkey, or the Madrid Zoo Aquarium. All amazing places,…

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Facebook has (quietly) launched a new app aimed squarely at couples. And, while a great idea in practice, the company could have done a little more work when it came to naming said app. Called Tuned, it’s “[a] private space where you and your significant other can just be yourselves”, according to the app’s description. The problem is the name. If you told a friend that you’d just Tuned a significant other, you’d probably be due for a slap in the head. Especially if you’re from KZN. What can we say, regional differences? That’s not the only problem with the…

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Some useful information if you happen to be caught in an apocalypse: It’s possible to turn a car into a ventilator. Specifically, a Tesla Model 3, as the engineers at the company have shown in a recent video. It’s a little more intricate an operation than can be executed by your typical road warrior, though. It helps if you have access to a pile of Tesla components, as well as a number of additional bits. You can’t just wheel a Model 3 into a chop shop and wheel out a ventilator, plus scraps. Greater than the sum of its parts…

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We’ve had Samsung’s Big New Thing™ for a couple of weeks now. After the initial excitement of seeing the Galaxy S20 Ultra, large, live and in action, how has Samsung’s newest star held up? That’s the question we’ve come here to answer today. If you want the short answer so you can bugger off and do some more ‘work’ at home, here it is: the S20 Ultra is hugely powerful but you’re paying for features you don’t really need (and which don’t really work, if you’re human). Still reading? Yeah, you should be. It’s impossible to sum up a smartphone…

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We as South Africans all have the same job at this moment in time — we’re supposed to flatten the curve. Some of us do this by staying at home, others by providing essential services (you might want to keep the word ‘essential’ in mind next time you greet the folks who put in your petrol or sell you groceries, yeah?). The majority of us are supposed to stay away from as many people as possible (what introverts call “a good week”). And, according to Google, we’re doing okay on that score. Data from the company’s Mobility report shows that…

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