Author: Brad Lang

I completed a Masters Degree just so someone might take my opinions seriously one day. Also writes about video games over at Critical Hit.

At some point in your life you’ve had a song stuck in your head. It’s an unavoidable fact of life that we, as humans, will hear a piece of music we enjoy and have our minds garble it up into an unrecognisable tune where the only accurate part is that one line in the second stanza. Now, if you’re fast enough you can quickly Shazam a song you haven’t heard before and ensure you have the name saved for future reference but what if too much times passes and all you have is that one line? Worse yet, the song…

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Seems wild to say it but Instagram is a whopping ten years old today. One of the most dominant social media apps in the world finally hit double digits (in terms of its age) and while we could be wallowing in the fact that we’re so incredibly, painfully old let’s rather focus on some of the nicer things regarding Instagram’s birthday. Well, as nice as one can get when discussing an all consuming engine designed to keep you embedded in it’s ecosystem while bombarding you with imagery to suck you in deeper and ensure you don’t leave the app. It was raining…

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There’s a reason Wolverine is considered to be one of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel universe. It’s not his claws or Adamantium skeleton, there are plenty of other folks that can cut things or withstand being shot in the chest. What makes Wolverine unique, and a hero worth fearing if you’re a baddie, is his ability to rapidly heal from nearly every wound. He’s so durable, the only way to actually prevent him from regenerating is by cutting his head off. He’s an unstoppable machine of hair, cigars and gravelly-throated “Bub”s. It’s with this image in mind that…

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James Bond never lets anything stop him from getting the job done. He’s been in several plane crashes, been shot on numerous occasions and, we’re fairly certain, must have contracted some form of virus from all his… extramural activities. When staring down a global pandemic, James Bond doesn’t care. He goes all out and ensures that his latest movie, No Time To Die, is out in cinemas regardless of COVID-19. He’s not scared of… oh, wait what was that? Apparently he’s not keen on encouraging loads of other people to put their lives on the line just to watch his…

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When it released earlier this year, nobody expected Microsoft Flight Simulator to be as huge as it was. In a year where people’s movement and ability to travel is stifled, the opportunity to hop onto a plane and see the world from above, even just through a screen, is enough to rustle people’s jimmies in the best way possible. Flight Simulator is designed to be as immersive an experience as possible so… how does one take that to the next logical level? Well, you strap a VR headset onto your face and you see how that improves your landings. We’re willing…

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Ah, the prestige of owning an Apple product. You know you’re paying for an item that’s functionally identical to every other one like it but it’s just got that Tim Cook promise that all your friends will look upon you with wonder and amazement. (Spoiler: they probably will.) It used to be that your iPhone was enough to communicate your social standing but as Apple has expanded ever outwards. Soon you needed to prove your worth with an iPad, and then an Apple Watch… which is the thing we’re focusing on today. Announced a couple of weeks back, the Apple Watch…

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Ah, capitalism. Is it better to own property or rent it? Now, this is a sentiment mostly thrown around for houses but in the case of next-gen consoles… well, they’re not as expensive as a house but they’re certainly up there as investments that require a fairly substantial cash sink. While plenty of folks are taking up an extra job or working overtime to afford one of either the PlayStation 5 or the Xbox Series X, Vox Telecoms has suggested that all the extra work is unnecessary because all you actually need to do is rent an Xbox from them. Low-rent…

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Facebook seemingly trying to own everything in the entire world is obviously a really bad thing but has anyone stopped to consider the pluses? You can share things directly from Instagram to Facebook and vice versa! You can… uh, gimme a second, I can think of another one, I’m sure. … Okay, yeah look there’s no real upside to Facebook trying to own every social media app under the sun. There’s a reason they were involved in that kerfuffle with the courts in the United States for anti-competitive practices. Buying Instagram, or anything for that matter, to nullify a threat is legal,…

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We have so much unnecessary junk stored on our phones. Do you really need 12,000 very good memes? Sure, they’re very good memes but will you ever actually look at them again? You say you will but we doubt that will ever happen. Plenty of those images and videos taking up valuable storage space arrive via WhatsApp, as friends and family do their best to make you laugh at whatever they happened upon on Reddit that morning. While the giggle is nice, manually sifting through sent images to delete them is a pain. Fortunately, the latest update for WhatsApp should…

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We at Stuff really enjoy a good smart watch. Can you blame us? They just feel so… futuristic! Deputy editor Marcé is a big fan of strapping technology to her wrists, often strolling about the office with a smart watch on either arm, and Stuff’s editor Brett… we think he likes them too but that’s a statement we’re sure will be edited when he eventually sees this [Yes, he does and no, it won’t — Ed]. Out of all the smartwatches we’ve tried, and there’ve been plenty, the ones that often stand out belong to Huawei, for their stylish design and robust…

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