Search Results: sony (588)

So you’re wondering whether Google’s Stadia game streaming service is going to be launching here in South Africa. According to our remote reporter, Captain Obvious, South Africa’s going to be left off the initial rollout. Google Stadia, according to the search company, will be launching in November this year in fourteen countries. South Africa, unsurprisingly, will not be one of them. 

You might think that the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home is going to be a light-hearted affair. And, since Spider-Man is in it, you’d mostly be right. But there’s the little matter of the event of Avengers: Endgame to contend with. Yes, Tom Holland prefaces this trailer with a warning about Endgame spoilers and they’re… substantial. If you’ve managed to avoid spoilers so far, take Tom’s advice and avoid watching the trailer below. 

It’s that time of the month again, where a new issue of Stuff Magazine hits shelves. And for the May 2019 issue of Stuff Magazine, we’re going to do things to your head. Or at least, you’re going to do things to your head. We’re just going to give you loads and loads of options. 

The Assassin’s Creed series has been running, in multiple formats, since 2007. Twelve years is a long time to be doing anything and yet, Ubisoft have managed to find ways to keep players and fans engaged. Whether it’s multiple platforms and game types, comic books and graphic novels, and even motion pictures, there’s a lot of stuff out there for fans. And now there’s one more: Assassin’s Creed Symphony.

In March, we saw Google make an unexpected announcement – the company is entering the gaming industry. The search engine giant announced its cloud-gaming platform, Google Stadia, that’ll run exclusively online. Basically it’s Netflix, but for games. And now we know what internet speeds you’ll need. The news… isn’t good. For South Africans, that is.