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There’s no shortage of dire warnings about the dangers of artificial intelligence these days. Modern prophets, such as late physicist Stephen Hawking and investor Elon Musk, foretell the imminent decline of humanity. With the advent of artificial general intelligence and self-designed intelligent programs, new and more intelligent AI will appear, rapidly creating ever smarter machines that will, eventually, surpass us.

Robotics is rapidly being transformed by advances in artificial intelligence. And the benefits are widespread: We are seeing safer vehicles with the ability to automatically brake in an emergency, robotic arms transforming factory lines that were once offshored and new robots that can do everything from shop for groceries to deliver prescription drugs to people who have trouble doing it themselves.

2019 is drawing to a close and that means there’s another decade about to end. Depending on who you ask. Let’s not go there, we’ve had that argument once already in the Stuff offices. So, for the purposes of not arguing, there’s another decade about to end. Which is a perfect time to look back at all the things that made it a decade. In tech, anyway.

Toby Shapshak chats to key players in SA’s solar energy industry, like Mike Peo who is the head of infrastructure and telecoms at Nedbank, along with the team at Eldo Energy. They went from making solar panels to managing the infrastructure related to the solar market. A market that has been growing rapidly in South Africa due to… obvious reasons. Increasingly, South Africans are looking for alternative energy sources, so let’s hear what the experts suggest.