Search Results: Meta (1136)

If you’re sharing your Spotify account with… well, anyone, you’ll know that it has a talent for throwing up some odd suggestions based on what the other person listens to. That tendency increases if the person you’re sharing that account with is still primary-school age. You don’t have to live in fear of an unexpected animated Disney medley in the middle of your thrash-metal-Thursday outing any more, though — Spotify Kids is here to help. 

So far, though, attempts to build supercomputer brains have not even come close. A multi-billion-dollar European project that began in 2013 is now largely understood to have failed. That effort has shifted to look more like a similar but less ambitious project in the U.S., developing new software tools for researchers to study brain data, rather than simulating a brain.

Reports of Facebook moderators’ appalling working conditions have been making headlines worldwide. Workers say they are burning out as they moderate vast flows of violent content under pressure, with vague, ever-changing guidelines. They describe unclean, dangerous contractor workplaces. Moderators battle depression, addiction, and even post-traumatic stress disorder from the endless parade of horrors they consume.