Browsing: Technology News

When Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was released 50 years ago, flying cars were a flight of fancy. Now, these futuristic vehicles are entering the outer fringes of reality. According to a new study published in Nature, for some journeys flying cars could eventually be greener than even electric road cars, cutting emissions while also reducing traffic on increasingly busy roads.

As an airplane plane defies gravity, aerodynamic principles expressed as mathematical formulas govern its flight. Most of an aircraft’s sensors are intended to monitor elements of those formulas, to reassure pilots that everything is as it should be – or to alert them that something has gone wrong.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice that mobile gaming is ramping up. And not just the Candy Crush sort of game, either. Full-fledged console games, custom stores, and battle royale are all more prominent than ever. But to actually play high-end titles, you need a high-end phone. Because high-end processors. Qualcomm’s looking to change that,  a little, with the Snapdragon 730G.