Browsing: Gaming News

If you’re curious about Activision’s take on battle royale, the Blackout mode found in Black Ops IV, but haven’t yet taken the financial plunge, you’re in luck. Call of Duty: Black Ops IV, or a significant portion of it, is free-to-play for the rest of April. And not just on a platform or two, on all of them. Whether you’re a glorious PC gamer, a PlayStation acolyte or a filthy Xbox One spawn-camper, you can drop into Blackout for free for the rest of the month. Terms and Conditions apply. 

If you’re a fan of running and gunning, of shooting and looting, then you’re probably super-keen on the next instalment of the Borderlands series. Especially as Borderlands 3 has finally be confirmed by developers Gearbox. A short trailer dropped a mass of information about the upcoming sequel and it looks… almost like a massive expansion pack. There are familiar enemies and locations, more guns than you could possibly eat in a single lifetime, and an all-new cast of characters to look forward to. 

Prior to last night’s announcement, there have only ever been two Halo games released on the PC. That’d be Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2. Everything else after that was launched on Microsoft’s Xbox consoles exclusively. Until now. Microsoft has announced that PC gamers will be getting their twitchy trigger fingers on Halo: The Master Chief Collection shortly. What’s more, it’ll be available via Steam.