Author: Nick Cowen

I've been writing about tech and games for around 20 years. Been playing games since I was tall enough to reach the controls on an arcade machine. Old enough to remember when games weren't something people yelled at each other about.

Far Cry fans rejoice! You know how it is: you wait all month for a gameplay reveal and a couple arrive all at once. Following the news that players will get their first look at Horizon Forbidden West today at 10pm, Ubisoft has announced that Far Cry 6 is getting its first gameplay reveal tomorrow at 6pm CEST. That’s 6pm, locally in case anyone was wondering. Woo! And, indeed, hoo! Mark your Far Cry 6 calendar In case you’re in the dark about Ubisoft’s latest instalment in its first-person-shooter (FPS) open-world RPG franchise, the game is set on the fictional…

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Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is on its way to PCs according to a report on Ars Technica. In a Games & Networks Services presentation, carried out as part of Sony’s Investor Relations Day, Nathan Drake’s last outing appeared in a presentation deck slide under the heading “More PC releases planned”. In that slide, it was rubbing shoulders with Sony’s zombie-open-world game Days Gone, which landed on PCs this month. Uncharted 4 joins PS4 titles heading to PC Sony doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down the practice of moving PS4 exclusives like to PC platforms. Detroit: Too Human, Beyond:…

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Facebook has announced that it has lifted the ban on posts on its platform that claims the COVID-19 virus was man-made. This comes after US President Joe Biden called on intelligence agencies to “redouble their efforts” into uncovering the coronavirus’s origins. In his statement, Biden said the enquiries would include “specific questions for China.” The social media giant said in a statement that the reason it was reversing the ban on claims that the COVID-19 was man-made to align with the reignited debate on the virus’s origins. “In light of ongoing investigations into the origin of COVID-19 and in consultation…

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When the PlayStation 5 launched at the end of last year, one of the titles that was notable by its  absence – because hey, it had already been announced – was Horizon Forbidden West. The sequel to the superb PS4 title Horizon Zero Dawn, Forbidden West was announced at Sony’s PS5 keynote last year. Developed by Guerrilla Games the game marks the return of badass huntress Aloy who sets out on a quest to uncover the source of a plague that is ravaging the land. That’s pretty much all we know – other than the fact we’re all looking forward to…

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WhatsApp has filed a lawsuit in a Delhi high court against the Indian government over new internet laws that it says violate privacy laws in the Indian constitution. The new laws give the Indian government more power to monitor online activity and essentially would force the chat app to remove its message encryption in India and messages would then be stored on a ‘traceable’ database. These laws were passed back in February and come into effect today (Wednesday, 26th May 2021). WhatsApp hits back “Civil society and technical experts around the world have consistently argued that a requirement to ‘trace’…

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Portal, that most beloved of spatial bending shooter games, may be finally headed to the silver screen. J.J. Abrams — he of Star Trek, Star Wars and Cloverfield fame — says that a movie version of Valve’s 2008 release is still a going concern and the screenplay for it is finally being written. The director said that Warner Bros. is very excited about the project, which Abrams describes as “finally on the rails.” Portal movie has been a long time coming This isn’t the first time that a Portal movie has been mentioned. The Verge reports, that it first came…

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Florida’s governor has signed a bill into law aimed at fining social media companies that de-platform politicians Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican Party politician with ties to former president Donald Trump, says that the new legislation will help defend conservatives voices from being de-platformed unfairly. The Florida bill essentially bans the likes of Twitter and Facebook from suspending or banning political candidates Florida. They face possible fines of $250,000 per day if the de-platformed candidate is running for statewide office. They face $25,000 per day if the candidate is running for a non-statewide office. Florida lays down the law According to…

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Facebook has released a statement concerning its apparent unwillingness to meet with the Communications and Digital Technologies Committee over misinformation on its platform. The meeting, which was supposed to take place today, was something the social media giant initially agreed to, but reversed its decision to do so last week. This prompted a scathing statement from Phumzile Van Damme — who at the time was a member of the committee and an MP – who said, “it is clear that the company has something to hide and holds no respect for the people of South Africa, or those on the Africa…

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India has social media giants Twitter and Facebook in its crosshairs over guidelines laid out by the government over moderation on their platforms. The pair have until 26th May to get their houses in order, which includes (among other things) opening an office in India and appointing a grievance officer, a chief compliance officer, and a nodal contact person. These individuals, incidentally, need to be reachable on a 24-hour basis. India draws a line in the sand The guidelines were laid out in a 30-page document in February of this year, in which the government essentially tasked the likes of Facebook,…

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The Presidency of South Africa has announced that the country’s sitting president Cyril Ramaphosa is now on LinkedIn. A report on ITWeb says that the presidency has confirmed that the account in question is genuine and that Ramaphosa is on LinkedIn in his personal capacity. Number One on LinkedIn According to a tweet from the official Twitter account of the Presidency Of South Africa, citizens can expect “regular updates on the work of the Presidency and Government, public engagements, some thought leadership content, and the weekly “From the desk of the President” newsletter. (Let’s hope that last item proves more…

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