Author: Brad Lang

I completed a Masters Degree just so someone might take my opinions seriously one day. Also writes about video games over at Critical Hit.

There’s a part of me that feels bad writing this review. See, I wrote up a first impressions piece of Marvel’s Avengers, wherein I spoke about my time with the beta version of the game and how much I genuinely disliked the experience. I suppose you could throw out the expression, “You can’t judge a game by its beta”. Yet I stand by what I said a couple of weeks ago: The beta for Marvel’s Avengers painted a dire picture of what the final release would be like, making me especially sceptical that I would enjoy the game in its entirety. I…

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Take our word for it, getting into the field of science is one of the coolest career paths you could set yourself on. Whether you’re breaking boundaries in chemistry or crunching some important numbers that could lead to some medical breakthrough, fresh faces are always needed in the fields of science because that’s what keeps us pushing forward and developing as a society. If you’re a young person looking at embarking into the field of discovery, then you might want to pay attention to this. EXPLORE Data Science Academy has announced that registrations for its 12-month fully-sponsored data science learnerships…

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With the social (and medical) disaster known as COVID-19, businesses from every industry have been hit with hard times. It’s to be expected since the entire world ground to a halt; people weren’t in a position to buy and companies have been struggling to survive unless they adapted to these strange conditions. Which is very depressing and sad yet the toughest situations often create the best opportunities. It’s also something which we’ve seen in the gaming industry; while the pandemic has raged on, gaming has only grown in popularity. What was always seen as a young, risky business by many…

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Now that the news is out, Microsoft is riding the wave of hype rather than trying to do damage control on all the leaks. Just this week, a report was released which indicated that Microsoft was indeed releasing a smaller, digital-only version of its next-gen console, the Xbox Series X. The report detailed everything we can expect from the smaller console, called the Xbox Series S, including that it would indeed play next-gen games with a 512GB NVME SSD. We made some speculations based on the US price announced in the official tweet but, as is the case with most…

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Not to be left out of the wireless earbuds conversation, given that Samsung’s beans have been the talk of the town these last few weeks, Huawei has announced and launched its own top of the range series of earbuds. From the press release sent around this morning, the Huawei Freebuds 3i sound like they could rival the Galaxy Buds that Samsung has been putting out but we’ll reserve judgement for when we actually get our hands on them. That’s the thing about press releases, they’re like that half-eaten bowl of pasta you left in the fridge a week ago. They…

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Project Lockheart was a damn cool name to give an unreleased console. Like, that’s just a name that sparks awe, amazement and wonder in the hopeful hearts of consumers and investors alike. While we’ve known Microsoft has been hard at work developing Project Lockheart and that it was definitely some kind of alternate version of the Xbox Series X, what kind of form it would take has been, obviously, unknown. Yet we now know exactly what Lockheart is: The Xbox Series S, a smaller and cheaper version of the Series X and it looks real weird but also cool! A series of…

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I’ve never played a Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater in my life so I suppose I’m coming at this review from a slightly different perspective than most. See, the remake of Pro Skater 1+2 has plenty of people really jazzed because those two games are generally considered to be some of the best of all time. It’s a bold claim, I know but even I, one who has never had any interest in the franchise, am aware of how tight and well made those games are. Announcing a remake of those two original games… well, it was a massive risk of Activision. How do…

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Black Panther, one of our favourite heroes around the office, was skyrocketed to mainstream fame and success in 2018 with his first feature film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Sure, he actually earned his first live-action role in Captain America: Civil War but two years after that mish-mash of superhero fighting Black Panther brought the comic book hero to the eyes of audiences who were already so intrigued by what they’d seen fighting alongside Tony Stark. Black Panther’s success was, in no small part, due to Chadwick Boseman who captured the stoic, regal tone of the character while also bringing a recognisable honesty and heart…

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In the Stuff offices, two out of the three staff writers that support and maintain all the daily content on our website use Huawei devices as our main phones. Those same two writers often get lost on their way to meetings and events and I’m here to tell you that those two facts are not simple coincidences. Fact of the matter is navigation apps on Huawei phones, ever since the Google Ban of 2019, have been less than stellar. Sure, you can use the workarounds to download Waze but it would just be a whole lot better if those navigation apps were right there…

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You have Windows 10. I have Windows 10. That guy who only buys Apple products probably has a secret laptop running Windows 10 that he’s too ashamed to tell anyone about. It’s become so common in our every day lives that we sometimes forget that it can be a bit, well, less than great would be a charitable way of phrasing it. Actually, that’s not fair Windows 10 started off rocky but it’s pretty decent now! Still, there’s always room for improvement, which is exactly what the next update for Microsoft’s operated system is planning to accomplish. Following the latest update, Windows…

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