Browsing: Uber

Digital platforms, the websites and apps which compete for our precious screen time, have successfully invaded the traditional territory of many sectors of the “old economy”. They have become the preferred – expected, even – domains for many kinds of human behaviour, from banking and property buying, to dating and entertainment.

In the not too distant future, you will be able to order Uber Eats that will be delivered to you by drone, as the ride-sharing company announced a pilot with McDonald’s in San Diego. Using a current commercial drone Uber has been testing deliveries with the hamburger maker in the California city. Ultimately it plans to create a custom drone for delivering food in a custom box.

If you were paying attention at any point in the past 24 hours, you’ll have noticed that Uber has announced something… new. That is, the first of its Uber Air vehicles, which will do just what your standard Uber will. More or less. Only, this time, you’ll be flying. As opposed to how you often feel when in an Uber at 4AM on a weekend.