When Pavel Durov arrived in France on his private jet last Saturday, he was greeted by police who promptly arrested…
Browsing: social media
Social networks have revolutionised the way we communicate, stay informed and share moments of our daily lives. We use platforms…
Social media is a problem for economists. They don’t know how to value it. It has long been argued that…
Cellphone cameras are ubiquitous at modern sporting events. Whether it’s a school swimming gala, the local rugby club squaring off…
With the Winter holidays now upon us, many people will be looking forward to kicking back with a good novel,…
You may have seen headlines that link social media to sadness and depression. Social media use goes up, happiness goes…
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are disrupting many aspects of modern life, and the news industry is no exception. In…
LG Electronics (LG) launched a global campaign called ‘Optimism your feed,’ which aims to help users bring more optimism to…
YouTube is reportedly experimenting with a new way to embed ads into videos in its newest move to circumvent ad…
For as long as we have used the internet to communicate and connect with each other, it has influenced how we…