Usually by this time of the year all the really major international tech news is done. But we keep seeing more product launches and they’re not making years any longer. That might explain why we may see a new Apple launch later today. Bloomberg reports that Apple may reveal its new 16in MacBook Pro as soon as this evening.
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If we asked you what’s the last thing you’d want Facebook to have access to, it’ll probably be your bank account. We have news for you — Facebook has launched its Facebook Pay feature in the US this week, which allows you to… wait for it… send people money via Messenger.
Call of Duty is one of the most successful franchises in video game history, but there are currently calls to boycott its latest release due to the game’s depiction of military conflict.
We’ve been following along with Samsung and Xiaomi’s plans to bring a massive 108MP camera sensor to smartphones. The hardware is real and will be appearing in the China-only Xiaomi CC9 Pro smartphone. But that’s not where it will stay.
The transition from fossil fuels to cleaner energies is a global pursuit. But it’s faster and more intensive in some…
The psychology behind social media and gratification is real. Which could be why Facebook’s image-sharing platform (Instagram) is testing hiding like counts.
In a recent hands-on look at Diablo IV, the lead designer Joe Shely confirmed that the game will feature cosmetic microtransactions.
Is Apple Card biased? Japanese S(u)pider-Man will join the Spider-Verse, Microsoft is merging Office and here’s the most boring game ever.
The major streaming services – both old and new – all have different catalogs, pricing and strategies. While all services seek viewers’ time and attention, in other respects they are different beasts.
he Springboks victory followed a triumph of common sense when Icasa announced plans to sell much-needed frequencies for faster internet access.