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Virtual reality is coming, whether your stomach can take it or not. This new form of technology, involving interacting with things that aren’t there, almost demands a new form of user interface. We’re not sure what those interfaces might look like beyond existing controllers but Litho has a few opinions on the matter. 

Imagine a house where the walls change colour depending on your mood, or your tablecloth changes shape when you’re having a dinner party. A house where every item, from your cushions to your lampshades, interact with you. This might sound like something out of Harry Potter, but such magic interior design could become a real part of our lives in the near future.

When you are asked to create a password – either for a new online account or resetting login information for an existing account – you’re likely to choose a password you know you can remember. Many people use extremely basic passwords, or a more obscure one they reuse across many sites. Our research has found that others – even ones who use different passwords for each site – have a method of devising them, for instance basing them all on a familiar phrase and making site-specific tweaks.

Alita: Battle Angel is an interesting and wild ride, jam-packed full of concepts around cybernetics, dystopian futures and cyberpunk themes.

The film – in cinemas from today – revolves around Alita (Rosa Salazar), a female cyborg (with original human brain) that is recovered by cybernetic doctor Dyson Ido (Christoph Waltz) and brought into the world of the future (the film is set in 2563).

So much for speculative. LG, contrary to what the company’s Ken Hong had to say a few weeks back, has revealed that it’s indeed chucking the speaker in the upcoming G8 ThinQ. Except ‘chucking’ is the wrong term. LG’s augmenting its internal speakers with something else. Something a little different.