Browsing: Technology News

It’s no secret that the Stuff team are massive fans of Stranger Things, Netflix’s nostalgia-fuelled horror series. It might be the late 1980s aesthetic, the often low-key horror elements (which come off like well-executed Stephen King), and the fact that the storylines are just so good. Which makes us perfect targets for this Stranger Things-themed Lego set, simply called The Upside Down. 

Facebook has been battered from all sides for failing to do enough about misuse of its systems. It’s not surprising, what with many recent data breaches, misuse of user information, and abuse of its live-streaming functions leaving black marks all over the company. It’s hoping to change the way that users see it, with a new one-strike policy for Facebook Live being a major change for the company. 

A sister company of Google, Alphabet’s Wing Aviation, just got federal approval to start using drones for commercial delivery. Amazon’s own drone-delivery program is ready to launch as well. As drones take flight, the world is about to get a lot louder – as if neighborhoods were filled with leaf blowers, lawn mowers and chainsaws.

Technology is designed to be addictive. And a society that is “mobile dependent” has a hard time spending even minutes away from their app-enabled smartphones.

In 2017, U.S. adults spent an average of three hours and 20 minutes a day using their smartphones and tablets. This is double the amount from just five years ago, according to an annual survey of internet trends. Another survey suggests most of that time is spent on arguably unproductive activities like Facebook, gaming and other types of social media.

This addiction has consequences.

Your vacuum cleaner that you leave to do its job while you are away is a robot. It senses the world around it and makes driving decisions as it sucks and sweeps.
But your washing machine is not a robot. You tell it how to wash when you select the cycle and it gets on with it. There are grey areas and the definition is debated, but let’s leave it there.