Browsing: Motoring News

In the not too distant future, you will be able to order Uber Eats that will be delivered to you by drone, as the ride-sharing company announced a pilot with McDonald’s in San Diego. Using a current commercial drone Uber has been testing deliveries with the hamburger maker in the California city. Ultimately it plans to create a custom drone for delivering food in a custom box.

If you were paying attention at any point in the past 24 hours, you’ll have noticed that Uber has announced something… new. That is, the first of its Uber Air vehicles, which will do just what your standard Uber will. More or less. Only, this time, you’ll be flying. As opposed to how you often feel when in an Uber at 4AM on a weekend. 

The end of humanity isn’t going to come as a result of military robots taking it into their silicon heads to wipe us all out. It’s going to be the result of domestic robots doing that very thing. At least, that’s how the science fiction goes. And seeing Digit, the creation of Ford and a robotics startup called Agility Robotics, hasn’t really assured us that things will go otherwise. But that’s mostly because we can see this bipedal critter being really useful. 

When Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was released 50 years ago, flying cars were a flight of fancy. Now, these futuristic vehicles are entering the outer fringes of reality. According to a new study published in Nature, for some journeys flying cars could eventually be greener than even electric road cars, cutting emissions while also reducing traffic on increasingly busy roads.