Lego unveiled its new Pop-Up Book set, dubbed Lego Fold which takes a stab at Samsung’s marketing for the Galaxy Fold smartphone.
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Have you ever searched for a product online in the morning and gone back to look at it again in…
Samsung’s unveiled three new S-series handsets alongside its new wearables and the Galaxy Fold.
Of all the fictional virtual assistants we know from pop culture, few stand up to the original and perhaps most famous: the HAL 9000 from the 1968 Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
We should probably be thankful for that. After all, Alexa may shut your lights off, but she won’t turn against you and wreak havoc on your life. Or will she?
When the ten year challenge began doing the rounds on social media, people rushed to post profile pictures of themselves from 2009, side by side with one from 2019, to highlight how much they had changed (or not) in the meantime. It is estimated that more than 5.2m social media users participated in this challenge.
Huawei used the Mate 20 Pro and AI to compose the final two movements of Schubert’s famous Symphony No. 8. commonly known as the ‘Unfinished Symphony’.
If you have a smartphone, it probably is a significant part of your life, storing appointments and destinations as well…
Data breaches, widespread malware attacks and microtargeted personalized advertising were lowlights of digital life in 2018. As technologies change, so does the advice security experts…