Browsing: Other Tech News

Once a piece of ransomware has got hold of your valuable information, there is very little you can do to get it back other than accede to the attacker’s demands. Ransomware, a type of malware that holds a computer to ransom, has become particularly prevalent in the past few years and virtually unbreakable encryption has made it an even more powerful force.

We’re a long way out from Apple’s annual iPhone reveal but that doesn’t mean that folks aren’t still (always) trying to puzzle what’s coming next from the company. The newest talk about town? Apple’s going to be hopping on the triple-camera bandwagon for the iPhone 11. And if it’s true, helped along with an apparent design leak, we’re not really sold on the design. It doesn’t feel like something Apple would do, you know?

There is now widespread concern about the amount of time children spend staring at screens – with many people worried about the negative impacts mobile devices might have on health and well-being.

Concerns have also been raised about the influence of technological change on relationships and face-to-face interactions. Sherry Turkle, a professor of the social studies of science, came up with the famous term “alone together” – which is also the name of her book. “Alone together” captures this idea of spending time on devices to the neglect of interacting with those who are physically nearby.