We always knew this day would come. The skies aflame, the raiders bursting through the barricades. We tried our best…
Browsing: Industry News
Tech Relief is a new initiative in South Africa that helps underprivileged youth get access to electronic learning tools.
Sir Jonathan Ive, the designer who has created some of Apple’s most iconic designs over the last 20 years is leaving to establish his own firm.
Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency has taken a lot of criticism from Western government officials and media commentators – but it’s not meant for them. A major target market for the Libra is users in developing countries.
During the course of a day, robots might be expected to do everything from making a cup of tea to changing the bedding while holding a conversation. These are all challenging tasks that are more challenging when attempted together. No two homes will be the same, which will mean robots will have to learn fast and adapt to their environment. As anyone sharing a home will appreciate, the objects you need won’t always be found in the same place – robots will need to think on their feet to find them.
Facebook has unveiled libra, a cryptocurrency that will enable users to make international payments over Messenger and other group platforms like WhatsApp – perhaps from as soon as 2020.
Kulula just announced that they will now allow you to use electronic devices from gate to gate. So, you can play Candy Crush all the time during a flight.
Facebook has announced a plan to launch a new cryptocurrency named the Libra, adding another layer to its efforts to dominate global communications and business. Backed by huge finance and technology companies including Visa, Spotify, eBay, PayPal and Uber
I’d never heard of Carlos Maza until this month, when the Vox video producer made a supercuts video of all the homophobic and racist ranting by a popular YouTuber called Steven Crowder. The right-wing pundit has 3.8m subscribers to his YouTube channel has attacked Maza repeatedly, called him an “anchor baby, a lispy queer, [and] a Mexican”.
We managed to get a peak at more shots of Uber Air’s reference design, so we’ve plonked them below for your ogling pleasure.