Author: Brett Venter

There’s not a lot of innovation happening in smartphones. They all look the same, with the major changes being constant across product lines and brands. To really shake up the world of smartphones, it’s apparently necessary to think about… toast? Yeah, that’s right. Meet the Balmuda phone. The Balmuda phone is made by a Japanese company that specialises in making luxury toasters if you can believe it. And, unusually for an established company that ‘decided to release a phone’, it hasn’t just gotten a generic slab of something and rebadged it. That would be far too easy, and it’d also…

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You’re never going to believe this — Samsung’s got another mid-range phone headed to market soon, in the shape of the Galaxy A33. How do we know this? Well, besides the fact that we know how to add a single digit to the thing Samsung did last time, press images of the device have turned up online. And they are press images, no matter how much noted leaker OnLeaks and website 91Mobiles make them out to be chance renders. At this point, we’re starting to suspect that OnLeaks has a second email address that ends in ‘’. Guardians of the…

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Honda is a name we don’t hear enough from in the tech space. The Japanese company is looking to change that, with more investment in some interesting spheres. But, in the meantime, here’s something a bit more immediate. Meet Honda’s Autonomous Work Vehicle, or AWV. Which is exactly what it sounds like — it’s an autonomous cart designed to trundle around construction sites and deliver materials to humans who do the really intricate work. Honda takes somebody’s jerbs The Honda AWV is spending time at a solar farm construction site in New Mexico. Fleets of them are roaming up…

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Starlink, the Elon Musk-backed satellite internet service that will turn up in South Africa any day now, will offer its users a choice. There’s the original Dishy McFlatface satellite base station, which looks like a DStv dish on a tripod. Then there’s the new thing — a smaller rectangular design. Starlink’s new star Starlink’s original dish, used by those participating in the company’s beta, is fairly conventional in terms of design. This new one, though, looks like it’s designed to be delivered by a Cybertruck. It’s a strange design for a satellite receiver, but it’s got a purpose. It’s smaller,…

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If you thought that Huawei would get a better deal in the States with the departure of former president Donald Trump, you would be mistaken. Current president Joe Biden has signed the country’s new Secure Equipment Act, which puts the brakes on for several Chinese companies. The USA says ‘Biden’ to Huawei The act prevents companies considered to be security threats by the United States — Huawei and ZTE among them — from securing new equipment licenses from US regulators. The act was approved earlier this year, passing through the country’s House and Senate almost unanimously. The terms of the…

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Remember last year, when it was really, really difficult to find a PlayStation 5 console anywhere? Remember how 2021 so far has seemed like a carbon copy of 2020? Can you see where we’re going with this? Yup, it seems like Nintendo isn’t the only console maker to encounter issues with supplying enough consoles for the end of the year. Sony’s gigantic new plaything also faces supply issues for the end of this year. The reason? The same reason every other tech-maker on the planet is having issues — the ongoing semiconductor shortage. We like our PlayStation 5 consoles rare…

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Ever since Facebook brought up its whole metaverse idea, it’s all the tech world seems to be able to talk about. Samsung, purveyor of all sorts of technology for much of the world, isn’t immune to that, it seems. The South Korean tech maker has announced its latest set of mobile RAM, its first 14nm LPDDR5X hardware. The company says it is “…designed to drive further growth throughout the high-speed data service applications including 5G, artificial intelligence (AI) and the metaverse.” Samsung enters a new electric dimension Which, apparently, means that the metaverse is coming for us all. In all…

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NASA has a fairly aggressive timeline for returning humans to the moon with its Artemis lunar missions. The original projection for arrival was set to be 2024, but the space agency has just revised that timeline. Humans, according to NASA head Bill Nelson, will return to our deserted and dusty satellite sometime in 2025. The reason why will surprise you. Artemis rises a little later than expected Actually, the reason won’t be surprising at all. Legal wrangling over the awarding of the Artemis lunar lander contract to SpaceX, which recently ended with Blue Origin’s case being tossed, is the main…

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Sending people out into space is really tricky, but it is getting them back that’s the really important bit. SpaceX’s Crew-2 crew, astronauts Shane Kimbrough and Megan McArthur (NASA), Akihiko Hoshide (JAXA), and Thomas Pesquet (ESA) returned safely to Earth early this morning on board the company’s Crew Dragon Endeavor capsule. Crew-2 in capsule form The Crew-2 capsule carrying the astronauts winding up their six-month stay on the International Space Station splashed down in the ocean near Pensacola, Florida at 22:33 Eastern Standard Time last night — or at 05:33 this morning here in South Africa. The crew orbited…

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In June this year, we heard about the Airspeeder M3 eVTOL, a craft made by Australian company Aluada Racing. At the time, it had completed a test-flight. Now, it’s experienced a taste of competition, in the form of an actual drag race. Which, if you’re going to race flying vehicles, is probably the way to start. You certainly don’t want to begin the experiment by sticking ten of them on a starting grid and seeing what happens on the first corner. These eVTOLs are dragging it out As part of getting ready for the EXA race series, which should…

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