On Tuesday morning, Elon Musk simply tweeted “X”, a subtle announcement of significant business changes for the parent company of…
Year: 2023
After a tumultuous Easter weekend load-shedding schedule, that ranged from no shedding to Stage 3, Eskom recently announced the return…
Several major airlines have pledged to reach net-zero carbon emissions by midcentury to fight climate change. It’s an ambitious goal that will require an…
Human foibles and a moving target The reason to regulate AI is not because the technology is out of control,…
When we asked GPT-3, an extremely powerful and popular artificial intelligence language system, whether you’d be more likely to use a…
Many futuristic novels and films have explored what the world might look like without water. But water scarcity isn’t a…
Is it time to put the brakes on the development of artificial intelligence (AI)? If you’ve quietly asked yourself that…
If all goes to plan, sometime in November 2024, NASA’s newly announced Artemis II crew – Christina Koch, Victor Glover, Reid Wiseman…
New telescopes with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution are being unveiled around the world – and beyond. Among them are the Giant…
Schools and universities are panicking about artificial intelligence (AI) and cheating. But AI presents far more significant threats to equity…