Odds are that Twitter is on your mind right now, whether you wade into the Tweet Arena on the daily or not. That’s despite the fact that nothing has really changed (yet) unless you happen to work for the company (or used to).
Still, we get it. Your idea of the social media platform has been shattered. Who even has the energy to write tweets anymore? With that in mind, why not turn the job over to an AI so you can go and be depressed while still maintaining your online presence?
Set accounts to auto-tweet

A platform called Tweet Hunter has an interesting function. It’ll scan an account — preferably one with a distinctive voice — and generate a series of things that account might say.
It’s a little hit-and-miss, of course. Because it’s AI. We tried it with the official @StuffSA account and got garbage back. The AI was confused into spitting out generic motivational tweets that look nothing like the tech-laced sarcastic headlines we use multiple times a day. Switching to a personal account gave slightly better results.
Based on our results, this online AI is definitely mining accounts for examples to create new posts. Sometimes it just cuts and pastes old tweets into new combinations, but some of them make sense. Others are… less intelligent. Still, it’s possible to automatically send the good ones out into the Twitter hellscape thanks to an integrated button. Plus, you’re also helping Tweet Hunter train itself. For free. Good for you.
If nothing else, seeing just what artificial intelligence is capable of will perform two functions. One — it’ll give you the mental space to process the fact that Twitter sucked pretty much immediately upon launch and that none of this is new. Two — it’ll make you feel a little more secure in your place in the world. AI might be capable of some interesting things, but it’s only slightly ready to impersonate humans.