No, you’re only imaging the opening notes from the Mission Impossible theme song. But yes, Facebook is indeed testing messages that delete themselves. No, it won’t turn your phone into a smoking ruin. Not for everyone. Yet. The new feature just allows users to specify how long messages last before they erase themselves from existence. By which we mean both your phone and the phones it’s been sent to. The ability to auto-delete messages is only available in Android beta versions at the moment, though, so you won’t see it working unless you’re into the whole beta testing thing. How…
Author: Brett Venter
It might have lines taken from a 2000-era video game (probably this one — which is still amazing, just by the way) but that’s just going to make a certain type of person want it even more. But look under the skin of Elon Musk’s new Cybertruck and you’ll find plenty (more) to like about it.
The best thing about the Borderlands series is that, when you buy the base game, you know there are (at least) four new bits coming later. The first for Borderlands 3, titled Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, has been revealed and dated. You can expect the additional adventure to land from 19 December.
Are you keen on locally-produced video games and art? Based on the response to our Boet Fighter review at least a few of you are. If you’re in the Cape Town region in early December (and you really should be — we hear it’s lovely this time of year), it’d be a plan to check out Playtopia MGA.
It’s not that often that we get to play a South African-made video game. There are a few notable ones out there — Semblance, Stasis, Broforce and, for the truly old-school, Toxic Bunny. Boet Fighter’s attempting to muscle its way onto this list and… honestly, it can have the slot
Looks as though Huawei and the American government are still working things out. Why don’t they think of the kids? You know, the folks who just want working Android on a smartphone with very high-end hardware? But no, this drawn-out divorce continues, with the American government giving Huawei another 90 days to sell things to American companies. And giving American companies the chance to buy things from Huawei. So much for two weeks Contrary to reports yesterday, Huawei’s getting more than two weeks reprieve. Rather, it’s a full 90-day delay… again. This is the third such extension for the Chinese…
It’s safe to say that we’ve been waiting for WhatsApp to roll out Dark Mode for… well, for ages. All the signs point towards Dark Mode being a thing rather soon, as the newest WhatsApp beta has more darkness than ever before. Hello darkness, my new friend The folks over at Android Police were the first to spot the new endarkened sections of the popular messaging app. The changes are visible in the current WhatsApp beta (v2.19.331 — there’s an APK download at the link above, if you’re feeling impatient). The splash screen and home-screen widget have been responding to…
Isn’t it maddening when you’re just trying to do your job and there’s only one roadblock — someone else not doing theirs? That may be how Huawei feels, as the Chinese tech giant still doesn’t have a clear idea what its fate is concerning Android, and licensing of tech from American companies
We’re pretty sure that noted British lunatic/superhero Colin Furze has some sort of secret underground shed where he makes all sorts of creative weapons of mass destruction. And that his ‘projects’ are funded by his relatively normal stuff. Like this RIP-Tire, normally wielded by Overwatch’s Junkrat.
We’ve been following the re-re-re-re-release of the Motorola Razr, suitably updated for 2019, for some time. It’s long since time for something official to turn up and that’s just what’s happened. The Motorola Razr is official, it’s expensive, and it’s gonna be awesome. Maybe. If it gets here which, sadly, it may not. As expected The big drawcard with the new Razr is the 6.2in display. It’s a single screen, as we’ve seen with other folding smartphones, capable of folding in half. Which is just as well, because it preserves the old form factor that folks just seem to love.…