Author: Brad Lang

I completed a Masters Degree just so someone might take my opinions seriously one day. Also writes about video games over at Critical Hit.

Batteries can be a real pain in the neck, right? In a sense, they represent the inevitability of life. They start out fresh and full of energy and the more they’re put to the test, used and battered by the environments around them they start to lose that sheen, that charge that made them so desirable. Enough of the existential pondering, we’d rather focus on more exciting things like the new MacOS update that’s reportedly in development. According to CNET, MacOS Catalina 10.15.5 will include a “Battery Health Management” feature. Which sounds pretty nifty, right? What the app will do…

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I mean, it’s Apple, right? Still, maybe you’ll be convinced to just lug your Mac Pro around instead of pushing it about the place on a nice set of wheels because those suckers are going to set you back more a few thousand rands. The world of computer accessories is one that is filled with clever little add-ons and enhancements that just make your life so much easier, yet a zone that most Windows PC users have yet to explore is that of attachable wheels. Wouldn’t that be grand? Gliding your machine around rather than having to actually use any…

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Due to the coronavirus halting nearly every real world sports event, most professional racing has unfortunately been placed on hold. Yet that hasn’t stopped the industry, as more and more race leagues begin to channel the incredibly robust virtual scene to simulate racing for both drivers and fans alike. Maybe one of the most remarkable things about the pandemic we’re living through is how various industries have adapted to the situation. While many companies and digital retailers have resorted to handing out free products and deals to keep people entertained while quarantined, sports leagues and industries haven’t been as fortunate.…

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Sony has decided to give away Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Journey for free. The cool thing is that you don’t even need PS Plus to access these games, you can claim them no strings attached. Beyond these free offerings, Sony has announced that they’re setting up a $10 million dollar fund for indie developers to help them through this obviously rough period. We at Stuff play a lot of videogames, which is an incredibly obvious statement considering we’re complete and utter nerds. So when we catch wind that there are some great games being offered totally free, we jump…

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Quibi, the app that’s punting itself as “the next big thing” was expected to pull in around 1.5 million downloads. Clearly there’s more of a market for movies being cut up into 10-minute chunks than all those industry experts thought. Last week we reported on the announcement and release a Quibi, an “exciting” new entertainment app that’s producing original movies series or re-imagining of classics that can be viewed in ten-minute chunks. In an attempt to compete with the likes of TikTok and YouTube, two platforms that thrive off entertainment that distills itself into bite-sized chunks, Quibi wants to bring…

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Need to chat to some friends but don’t have the minutes to phone them? Then a good ol’ WhatsApp call should do you the world of good. Not everyone in our little locked down part of the world knows how to get the most out of WhatsApp but that’s okay. We’ve got you covered. In what is now a tradition at the Stuff (remote) offices, we start every morning with a WhatsApp call to discuss essentials, which usually amounts to a conversation about LEGO, Animal Crossing and (eventually) planning out the day’s articles. While most of that could be done with Skype…

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I’m sure you don’t need to be told the reason behind the delay at this point but in case you’ve somehow been in lockdown before everything got bad, it’s because of the coronavirus. Don’t panic though because the 2020 emoji update is still happening on schedule! You either hate emojis or you love them. We at Stuff are divided on the subject, like the rest of the world, so while some of us are old-fashioned try-hards who refuse to adapt to the current culture the other half insists on using irritating little yellow faces that could very easily just be words. Points…

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An in-game activity in Borderlands was designed so players can help real-life scientists obtain vital data by simply playing the game. So not only are Borderlands 3 players actually contributing to society but they’ll be able to earn some real neat in-game items for the participation too! It’s not often that one can put the title “Borderlands 3” with the phrase “The Greater Good” but 2020 has been throwing curveballs left, right and centre and this is, quite frankly, one of the more pleasant surprises of the year so far. Borderlands Science has just launched within Borderlands 3 and it’s all about…

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