Yesterday, we learned of the President’s plan to dig South Africa out of the hole it’s currently in. Ramaphosa outlined several steps that could potentially save us from the blight known as load shedding. One of the steps involved SA receiving electricity from our neighbours to supplement our wavering power supply. Since then, Botswana has come out and said it will assist South Africa by selling its excess power. This should offset some of the pressure Eskom currently faces.
In the space of a day, Botswana has done more for South Africa than Eskom in nearly a decade. Good job, Eskom.
BPC for President

The Botswana Power Company (BPC) wants South Africa to buy power from it during its off-peak times. Ramaphosa says neighbours like Botswana and Zambia create more power than their economies call for, leaving South Africa with the leftovers. Hopefully, we can put it to good use. Like lighting up a R22 million flag.
“BPC has therefore started engaging Eskom to purchase the excess electricity supply generated during off-peak times (weekends) in order to protect our plants against load management fluctuations and also to ensure that surplus electricity has a secured market,” BPC said in a statement.
Read More: Here’s the plan – SA’s president outlines what will be done to fix Eskom’s woes
BPC went on to say that it is “able to export excess power to the region”. Which is good news for us. It means Cyril’s plan is already working. If only we did this, say, five years ago – we might have already saved Eskom’s skin. Still, better late than never, right?
We’re not sure when the deal will move forward, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed that it completes soon. The sooner we can go back to having broken robots instead of switched-off robots, the better.
Source: News24