WhatsApp’s newest update gives AI a dedicated tab on the navigation bar. The AI tab replaces the ‘Community’ tab, indicating the end of WhatsApp’s experiment with this group chat-focused mode of engagement with the app. Now, in a move that seems a tad dystopian, Meta is happy to settle for users engaging with AI chatbots, as long as they stay texting.
WhatsApp wants you to talk to robots
First spotted by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp’s Android beta users can currently test the feature. Users clicking on the AI tab are greeted by a selection of “Popular AI characters.” Similar to those found in its older AI Studio tab, these chatbots are trending or highly rated by others. Other AI chatbots are organised by specific categories, such as chatbots for general advice, supporting creative tasks, or helping with productivity. These AI features are currently limited to specific countries including the US, and available in a select number of languages.
Previously, these tools were accessed through the app’s primary Chats tab. This redesign replaces the existing Communities tab with the AI tab. However, community-related functions remain accessible via a “streamlined” version in the Chats tab, introduced in a previous beta release. This, on top of other AI features on the app like the Meta AI search bar and a ChatGPT feature, signals WhatsApp’s departure from Facebook-like group features in favour of AI.
In addition to organizing existing features, WhatsApp is testing a new option to create personalized AI characters directly within the app. This feature streamlines the process that currently requires accessing the Meta AI Studio on Instagram’s website. The Dead Internet Theory continues to be less of a theory as time and tech progress.
The beta redesign marks a significant push by Meta to integrate AI more deeply into WhatsApp’s user experience. Availability through the Google Play beta program is limited, and the timeline for a broader rollout is still unclear.