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R2-D2 gets a shiny new 2,314-piece Lego edition ahead of May the Fourth

Lego R2-D2May has a special place in a certain sort of person’s heart — we’re referring to Star Wars fans, of course, and they’re set to be especially pleased next month. Lego’s coming out with an all-new Lego R2-D2 build for the month of May and it’s a big one — 2,314 pieces of blue, white and grey plastic are set to make for a fun time.

Rebuilding R2-D2

The plucky little Star Wars droid has taken many forms over the years. We’ve seen a robotic Sphero version of R2-D2, we’ve seen him represented as a PlayStation 4, an airplane, even as a life-sized replica of the movie version. He’s even appeared as a Lego set before this — a 2,127-piece set launched in 2013.

The new set, due for launch from 1 May this year, features a considerably more attractive rendition of the iconic droid, as well as a few extras for Star Wars fans: A buildable lightsaber that tucks away inside R2’s head, a special Lucasfilm 50th anniversary brick, and an information plaque, so your less-nerdy friends can see why you didn’t hang out with them last weekend.

Pricing, in the States, is set at $200 — prices here at home tend to follow international costs closely, so expect the little droid to land somewhere in the R3,000 to R3,500 range. Even so, get it as soon as possible. This new Lego R2-D2 won’t remain in stock for long.


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