Stuff South Africa

Time for a little MEETime: New software skills in Huawei’s EMUI 10

Standard main sensor shot.

Huawei’s P40 Lite is one heck of a smartphone, combining power, style and excellent features with a fantastic price point. It’s definitely a phone for everyone, with its 6.4in display, Kirin 810 processor and 4,200mAh battery being the standout features on the hardware front.

It also packs in an excellent quad-camera arrangement, fronted by Huawei’s 48MP main sensor. There’s an improved night mode – Super Night Mode 2.0 –  to look forward to, hosted by the front sensor and Huawei’s typical attention to detail on the artificial intelligence front make your snaps look better than ever. But Huawei’s P40 Lite is more than its internals and its camera. It’s also the home of Huawei’s EMUI 10, and all the fun features that involves.

It’s got the look

Everything just looks better in EMUI 10. Huawei has spruced up the look of its software across the board – not with a view on making it look pretty… well, not just a view on making it look pretty. Instead, changes were made with the intent of making the operating system a more intuitive experience. Huawei, of course, has pulled it off in fine style.

Expect enhanced animations, slightly tweaked icons, but mostly you’ll see a cleaner, clearer look thanks to Huawei’s new Magazine Design aesthetic for EMUI 10. It’s all about space which, while jarring at first, quickly makes you wonder how you did without it.

Also? Check out the always-on screen features, specifically how you can now customise the always-on options to make the at-a-glance display you’ve awalys wanted.

Video killed the radio star

There’s a new player in town. Huawei’s EMUI 10 operating system has an all-new calling feature called MEETime. The clever name is just the wrapping on the video calling cake, as MEETime allows for 1080p video calls from the P40 Lite. The big drawcard is improved data efficiency, a must in these data- and video call-hungry times. We’re all speaking to folks from a distance and that gets expensive if you’re using the wrong software.

In addition to reduced internet data usage, MEETime uses Huawei’s software smarts to perk up low-light environments. You don’t ever have to do anything to take advantage of the feature – it’ll intelligently enhance the clarity and brightness for the video call, without you even asking. That’s seriously impressive stuff.


EMUI 10 features an all-new look and colour scheme. Background visuals use Morando colours to give an impression of warmth and calm, a design choice that seems like just what the doctor ordered given current global conditions.

But it’s not just stylish background image choices – EMUI 10’s colour scheme adapts to both normal and dark modes, with current technology darling dark mode in particular being designed to be easier on the eyes while retaining optimal contrast. Your interface will match the Huawei P40 Lite’s exterior style, no matter which option you select.

Take Note(pad)

New in EMUI 10 is an upgrade to Huawei’s Notepad app. You too can feel like an early 90s creative type, dictating your notes into your handset like it’s got spools magnetic of magnetic tape in it. Those notes can be embedded into conventional notes, along with images and text, letting you compile the story of diary that would make every artiste with a corkboard and ribbon strung around a roof green with envy.

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