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Samsung’s next “innovative” gadget will seemingly be a debit card

To further enhance the Samsung Pay app, the company will soon introduce its own high-end debit card which will be supported by a cash management account. Kinda defeats the point of having an app that can take care of all those things for you but clearly Samsung believes the world needs more little bits of plastic.

While the rest of the world is probably becoming more used to the idea of paying for things over apps rather than in person, Samsung has apparently identified a market that’s more willing to go back to the methods we’ve held close for years now. With the expansion of the Samsung Pay app, a service that allows users to make payments through their Samsung device, the tech giant is hoping to expand on this feature by introducing its own debit card.

Does anyone actually want another card to slide into a pocket in their wallet? Our bets are on “probably not” but given that so many competitors are busy offering similar products, it makes sense that Samsung would feel the need to broaden their ecosystem with a physical card. Apple has offered a credit card since last year and Google is apparently working on their own debit card linked to customer’s Google Accounts. Wouldn’t want a miss the potential bus to Profitsville, would we?

Samsung is developing its debit card in collaboration with SoFi, a financial startup that will probably be taking care of the monetary side of things. One has to chuckle at the phrasing surrounding this debit card; How “innovative” could a sheet of plastic with some numbers on it actually be? We’ll just have to wait until we have more info on the card before we can judge how much of a game-changer it really is.

(Source: Engadget)

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