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One shiny new Samsung Galaxy Watch3 is going to this lucky winner

Samsung Watch 3 Winner

If there’s one thing we like more than testing stuff, it’s giving stuff away. But, since we don’t get to keep test units, it’s really hard for us to give kit away. We could… but then we’d be asked some serious questions by the people who actually own the device. Life’s too short for that conversation. It’s a discussion we don’t have to have today, though. Samsung gave us one Galaxy Watch3 to give away to one lucky Stuff reader, and all they had to do was a little light reading.

If you wanted to get your hands on a Samsung Galaxy Watch3, all you had to do was a) be a Stuff reader, b) know about the giveaway, and c) enter the giveaway. Many of you did. So many of you. But, like Highlander, in the end, there could be only one.

How the Galaxy Watch3 giveaway works

As usual, before we got to the winner, you should know about how Stuff does its competition draws. It’s all nice and official, and we don’t let humans anywhere near it. Except to write this bit, of course.

There’s a very specific way things are done when it comes to giveaways. Our competition winners are always drawn the same way — we make a computer do it. Computers don’t worry about making selections. They just RNG the heck out of it. There were a few limiting factors as well — in line with our Terms and Conditions, you had to be a South African resident and you couldn’t work for Stuff or Samsung at all. We don’t do that here.

What we do do is announce who just won a Galaxy Watch3. Our winner is:

Marc Shaw

Congratulations to Marc, who should expect an email in their inbox sometime soon. As for everyone else who entered, stick around. There’s more to come from Stuff and our various partners.

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