Stuff South Africa

Two new Huawei P40 handsets are going to these winners, courtesy of Huawei and Petal Search

It’s always nice to give something away, especially at the end of the year. It makes us feel a little like Santa Claus, except it’s summer in South Africa and there’s no way we’re doing the red suit and facial hair. Anyway, back to the point — we had two Huawei P40 smartphones to give away to two lucky winners this month, thanks to Huawei and Petal Search, and the time has come to reveal who they are.

Or has it? Yes, yes, if you want to find out who won, then just skip on down to the bottom of the page. But then skip back up here because there are a few things we need to get out of the way.

The P40 rules

You see, there’s a very specific way that things are done when it comes to giveaways. This time it was a little more complicated, in that we had multiple entry mechanisms. Regardless, our competition winners are always drawn the same way — we make a computer do it. Because computers don’t have mates that entered the competition (except for that one incident with EntryBot4000 — but we caught that one in time). There were a few limiting factors as well — in line with our Terms and Conditions, you had to be a South African resident and you couldn’t work for Stuff or Huawei at all. Not because we’re scared of anything going weird, it’s just not cool.

But we’re sure you’re bored with reading how all of this works now. It’s time to get on to who is taking home a new smartphone

And our two winners are:

Nabeelah Safodien and Sean Nek

Congrats to Nabeelah and Sean. Check out you inboxes — we’ve sent you a request for the info needed to get your prize to you. As soon as we hear back, Huawei will have those phones headed your way. And to everyone else who entered, stick around. We’re never really done when it comes to giveaways.

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