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Huge data breach compromised personal data of millions of South Africans

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Because it’s 2020, we’re not even surprised anymore. Last night, the credit bureau Experian announced that it had suffered a huge data breach which exposed the personal information of up to 24 million South Africans and about 800 000 businesses.

TechCentral reported late yesterday that a suspected fraudster gained access to the personal information of individuals and businesses, but want to ensure customers that they have connected with banks to help prevent any fraud that may come of the hack. At the time of writing, we don’t know which data has been compromised as yet. 

The South African Banking Risk Centre (Sabric) confirmed that the incident has been reported to law enforcement and they’re working with the authorities to identify the hack and which customer information has been compromised.

According to TechCentral, Sabric issued a statement saying that “Banks have been working with Experian and Sabric to identify which of their customers may have been exposed to the breach and to protect their personal information, even as the investigation unfolds.” 

Sabric is working with local banks to make sure more robust security measures are implemented to detect any potential personal fraud that may come of the hack. “Banks will communicate with their customers about how they may be affected by the breach and what is being done to protect them,” Sabric says in its statement. 

“The compromise of personal information can create opportunities for criminals to impersonate you but does not guarantee access to your banking profile or accounts. However, criminals can use this information to trick you into disclosing your confidential banking details,” says Nischal Mewalall, Sabric’s CEO.

If you suspect any fraudulent activity with regards to your bank or personal data, you can apply for a free Protective Registration listing with the Southern Africa Fraud Prevention Service (SAFPS). The service will alert you if any fraudulent activity occurs on any of your accounts. 

UPDATE: According to EWN, the fraudster has been identified and the data has been deleted.

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