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Twitter Notes (or Articles) entering beta, could arrive in the coming weeks


It looks like the days of 280 characters (remember when we only had 140?) on Twitter may soon be coming to an end. We don’t mean entirely, but if the recent reports of a Twitter Notes (or Articles) feature are true it could mean the end of character caps.

If you aren’t clued in already, let’s fix that. We could be seeing a new feature on Twitter pretty soon, either named Twitter Notes or Twitter Articles. We’re pretty sure it’ll be called Notes, but nobody’s certain just yet. According to a new report from TechCrunch, the Bird App is apparently finished with the update and will begin testing it on a select few users soon.

Write that down!

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard rumours of a Twitter Notes update. Just over a month ago, reliable reports circulated a few screenshots of the feature. The point of the update is to allow users a ‘blogging tool’ which lets them use it as a dedicated article system. You’ll be able to post long-form content, post pictures, and embed links – the works.

But that was a month ago. Now, we’d like to know when we can expect the update to hit our screens. TechCrunch says that the update will be seen in the next beta version of Twitter, and will be featured prominently to let users give it a go. It also looks like Twitter has landed on the name Notes for the feature. As for when regular users can lay hands on the update, it seems we’ll be waiting a few weeks. Although, if the beta doesn’t go as well as planned, a delay could be encountered.

What this could mean for Twitter

Not much will really change for the platform, beyond the extra word length. And the fact that Notes/Articles will be keyword searchable throughout, and not just their headlines. Which is pretty cool for hardcore Twitterers. Yes, we’ll be seeing posts with more than 280 characters, and that’s okay. Many users already make a thread to get their point across.

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Some even post screenshots of their phone’s note-taking app –and we need everyone to know that is not okay. Reading feels like a serious chore when it entails going over a screenshot of someone’s unedited notes. Unless it’s really, really funny. Then it’s fine.

When and if Notes launches, users will be able to read much the same information in a much simpler way. There won’t be breaks to deal with, but rather just a full uninterrupted flow of writing. Whether that stays true to what makes the platform… well, Twitter… remains to be seen.

Source: TechCrunch

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