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Microsoft is set to train 20,000 young South Africans in software development


As far as future jobs are concerned, it’s more and more likely that you’ll need to learn some kind of programming skill if you’re a youngster. Something that can be more than a little difficult if you’re in South Africa. That’s why Microsoft is partnering with the Public Service Sector Education, Training Authority (PSETA) and Afrika Tikkun to expand its upskilling program, namely the Global Skilling Initiative, further into South Africa.

20,000 young South Africans will be trained in the art of software development to help better acclimatise them to the working world of the future.

It’s a great initiative that will be beneficial both to the future workforce of the country but South Africa as a whole. Anyone who’s spent some time in Home Affairs (any vaguely similar bureaucratic industry)  is aware of how poor our lovely country’s ICT support is. While 20,000 isn’t a massive share of individuals it’s a start and every great journey starts with a single step.

Upskill with Microsoft

In terms of what every institution will bring to the fold, Afrika Tikkun will be posting an easily accessible portal that will enable folks to register to participate in the course. Once learners are registered, they’ll need to complete a short assessment before starting with the particular courses that will see them on their way.

PSETA will be doing its best to promote the initiative across its various platforms in a bid to educate and inform as many learners as possible. It will also be helping students that qualify for the course with connectivity and resources to the various sectors that will no doubt prove essential, including libraries, computer labs and a few technical colleges.

And Microsoft… well, the computing giant will be supplying all the resources that learners need to grow their software development skillset. We’re talking LinkedIn resources, Github access and probably a bunch of teaching software for everyone that registers.

If you want to check out what Microsoft is offering, head on over to its official website. If you just want to get a grip on what the Global Skills Initiative involves, check out this site instead.

Source: Bizcommunity

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