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Fitbit seems to be developing an ultra-cheap subscription plan

If you’re a fitness nut then you probably already own a snazzy Fitbit. If you’re a fitness nut who doesn’t shut up about being a fitness nut, then you most likely subscribe to Fitbit Premium. And if you’re the type who just wants to work out with some helpful stats and not pay R150 a month, there might be a solution for you yet. According to AndroidCentral, users have been receiving surveys asking if they would pay for a subscription service that costs $2.99, or roughly R44,52 at the time of writing. While it’s not a confirmation, it’s a hint that the company might be expanded its range of services.

We think it would be a good move for Fitbit to offer a cheaper, alternative plan as the standard Premium cost of R150 is… well, pretty ridiculous for what you get. All you’re really getting are some tailored workouts and personalised insights into some of your data; it’s an expensive price for what amounts to some YouTube videos and numbers. The fact that whole parts of modern Fitbit devices are locked until you fork over that cash makes the implementation even worse.


Fitbit rates

While the offer of a cheaper subscription rate might be tempting, you might still want to check what you would get with such a deal. According to the survey, the only substantial thing you’ll gain from the service are expanded historical metrics. Under the free version of Fitbit’s app, personal data is restricted to 30 days, so if you want to keep a detailed course of progression, you need to pay that extra cash. As described by Fitbit itself, this new subscription service would allow users to see, “activity, sleep, stress, and health metrics for the last month, year, forever with unlimited historical data.”

If this sounds like something you’d throw money at don’t get too excited yet. Just because there’s a survey asking for feedback doesn’t mean such a service will see the light of day. Maybe Google just wants to bring more people into the Fitbit ecosystem and are thus testing the waters. That’s what we’d do if we’d just bought the company…

Source: AndroidCentral

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