Stuff South Africa

Lift, South Africa’s new airline, starts bookings this week

Even though it might not be the best time to launch a new airline service, Lift isn’t paying doubters too much attention. South Africa’s new airline service is opening bookings for flights this week, specifically on Tuesday, 10 November. That’s when Lift’s website will open its virtual doors and allow folks to secure a seat for the service’s maiden flight. This comes exactly a month before Lift will start operating in earnest on 10 December 2020. Just in time for that holiday rush down to the beach, right?

Founder Gideon Novick spoke to the Sunday Times about his vision for the new airline. “Anyone who travels with us will have a fully flexible ticket and will be able to change their flight as many times as they want to without fees. Our hypothesis is that with that in mind, people will become more comfortable to book, and less anxious about travelling,” said Novick.

Yeah, you did read that right. Lift is setting itself apart from the competition by not charging passengers potential changes to their ticket. That’s… genuinely really cool. It’s certainly a tempting value proposition especially since Lift doesn’t seem to be charging more than competing airlines, at least according to Novick.


Lift-ing your spirits, hopefully

Lift will open in December with three different aircraft that will reportedly travel along the Cape Town and George routes.

One can only hope that it lives up to the promise of a new, trustworthy airline given the rampant disappointment SAA has been in recent years. Novick is also the chap who served as the joint CEO of Kulula so the guy’s got some experience in the industry. The company is being set up by himself, Global Aviation and former Uber executive Jonathan Ayache.

You can sign up for Lift’s newsletter on the site which currently serves no other purpose other than promoting the newsletter. Still, you can check it out here and enjoy that nice cursive logo if it so takes your fancy.

(Source: Sunday Times)

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