Stuff South Africa

Want to take part in the Jaguar F-TYPE Drive Challenge? It’ll be fastest fingers first on 1 October

So you want to drive a high-end Jaguar but you’re not sure if you’ll ever get together the more-than-a-million-rands price tag to ever own one? You could always try taking part in the upcoming Jaguar F-TYPE Drive Challenge, which kicks off in early October at the Jaguar Land Rover Experience in Lonehill, Johannesburg. That… costs significantly less money, plus you’ll get to do things with the car you might not if you had to make the insurance payments. There is a catch, though. There are only eighteen slots available.

Sliding into position

The Jaguar F-TYPE Drive Challenge is, we’re told, fairly close to what Stuff experienced when we went hands-on with the new F-Type earlier this week. The major difference? Our event was partly sponsored by Hot Wheels so your prizes at the end of the day will be a little different. Yeah, there are prizes. No, we don’t know what they are.

There are limited numbers of drivers and Jag’s instructors are there to make sure that things don’t get out of hand (but you are roaring around in a V8 and accidents do happen — hence all the forms you fill out beforehand). Reckless driving will mean the end of your experience, though, so don’t go with the intention of causing havoc. You will be booted out.

Each half-day event will see three teams of two swapping between three different Jaguar models. If it all holds true, you’ll spend time in the Dynamic area, on the skidpan and then out on the road, all while doing things you never thought you’d ever do in an F-Type. Like, well, driving one.

Sounds good?

If this sounds like something you’d like to experience (and we’re seriously considering giving it another shot — it was awfully exhilarating) then you’re going to have to be quick. There are eighteen slots available, with each slot accommodating two drivers. Tickets for the Jaguar F-TYPE Drive Challenge go live on the Jaguar Land Rover Experience’s website on 1 October, with the events themselves taking place on 6, 7 and 9 October. And the cost for something like this? A paltry R1,250 per two-person team, which comes to R625 each. That’s not a bad price to pay for access to cars worth between one and two million South African rands. Add in the excitement of the day itself and it’s money well spent — even if you find yourself wanting to own a Jag at the end of it all.

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